Aniyah Beautiful Area Rug

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Color: Blue
Size: Rectangle 3' x 5'
Sale price$118.36 Regular price$136.11


Transform your home with our high-quality rug made with 100% Polypropylene pile material and backed with soft cotton for added durability. Enjoy the benefits of an easy-to-clean, stain-resistant rug that's perfect for any room in your home.

Our rug is designed to withstand everyday wear and tear, without shedding or losing its softness. Whether you have pets, children or just love to entertain, our rug is the perfect addition to your home.

The pile material is not only practical but also provides a luxurious feel underfoot. You'll love the way it looks and feels in your home. Plus, with its easy-to-clean design, maintaining your rug has never been easier.

Choose our rug for its superior quality, modern design, and unbeatable functionality. It's the perfect way to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any space. Order now and experience the difference our rug can make in your home.

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